July 2022 Newsletter


A little catch up and reminder of what’s on offer at Orford Sailing Club in the near future.

Since the last newsletter ‘Ladies that Launch’ ably organised by Judith Shallow has been hugely successful, so well done ladies and well done Judith. A full report of other activities will follow later.

For now – the training raft is in and the training is about to start and courses are full. Tasters have been well attended and we look forward to another successful training programme. We welcome Ruby Brint as our new Chief Instructor and wish her every success in her new role.

Some Feva class days have been added for the Summer, these will be run by Miranda Cook. Whilst on the subject of juniors – Annabel Nash is now Junior Fleet Captain, we wish her well. If you require any information on Junior events please contact James Tomlinson.

Some key dates for your diary:

Saturday 23rd July (18.30)
Drinks Part at the Clubhouse

Friday 5th August (09.00)
Junior Regatta

Saturday 13th August (09.00)
OSC Regatta Day

Saturday 20th August (19.00)
Drinks and Summer Party

Thursday 25th August
Aldeburgh Yacht Club, Orford Day

Sunday 28th August (11.00)
Round the Island Fun Event.

These are only a few of the event scheduled, keep your calendar handy to remind you of all the others.

So enjoy your summer and join in as many events at Orford Sailing Club as you can.

Fair winds, stay safe,

David (Commodore)