All facilities will be open but please be considerate to others especially in the confined areas of changing rooms and the clubhouse itself. Please use the hand sanitisers located around the premises, and in the changing rooms use the sprays on areas you have been using. In the clubhouse, if you use the galley please ensure you wash up, clean down and leave it as you would wish to find it. As you know it is no longer mandatory to wear masks indoors therefore we leave this to your personal choice.
On the sailing front, informal racing has had takers all the way through the pandemic, mostly down to Troy’s (Sailing Secretary) determination to keep the racing fleet of competent sailors going but it does limit numbers, as the less competent or nervous sailors haven’t been able to compete as we have not run any cover. Moving forward this will change, we will aim to cover Family Sailing on a Wednesday evening with immediate effect. There will then be cover for:
Various committee members have taken responsibility for the above and will contact volunteers directly to staff events. Towards the end of August we will assess both the ongoing effect of Covid and the appetite for volunteering to cover the Harry Edwards Series and Frostbite Series and make decisions accordingly.
A note on RIB and motorboat use in the river which seems to have increased recently. For safety reasons and to protect moored boats from damage there is a speed limit of 7kts inside the moorings which is clearly marked by yellow buoys, please adhere to it at all times.
Training is about to start but it has to be noted the taster sessions held this year were hugely successful run by Sheena (Rear Commodore Training) and ably supported by Hannah Kunert and Hugh Kemp. They attracted up to a dozen local school children on a Wednesday evening, some of whom will make their way onto sailing courses. So well done team!
Turning to our training programme – all courses are fully subscribed, pre-training instructor tuition completed and we’re ready to go. Sheena will contact parents with protocols and Suzy will ensure they’re delivered. Again, many thanks go to Sheena as Rear Commodore Training, Mary Hackett as Training Administrator and Suzy Cooper our Chief Instructor for pulling it all together in difficult and ever-changing circumstances, also to Hugh Kemp for getting our growing fleet of club boats ready for the season, not an insignificant task.
So on to Social – under Helen’s guidance and her extremely efficient organisation skills we would advise the following:
Saturday 24th July – Drinks Party at the Club – we intend putting a small cover over the decking and keeping the majority of people outside if possible. We hope this marks the start of a successful summer season at Orford Sailing Club. Helen has also sourced devices enabling cashless payments to be made, so if you can please use your card although we will still accept cash for those that can’t
Saturday 21st August – Summer Party – some difficult decisions on confined spaces, etc., have been made so this year the summer party will have to look a bit different. There will be a fizz bar on the decking open to all followed by hog roast in the marquee (sides may remain open). We will have a strict limit of 120 tickets as an absolute maximum and unfortunately because of the enclosed space we feel unable to offer the post hog roast disco. This is for this year only (we hope!!) All food will be supplied and served by the Meat Shed, we will not be asking for members to contribute salads nor will we ask members to help serve on the night. Helen will be sending out forms very soon
Saturday 23rd October – Prize giving & Laying-up Supper – this is booked in the Town Hall and we will follow any protocols required by the New Orford Town Trust at the time, details to follow.
Well, it has been a difficult time for all but in terms of Orford Sailing Club, the Committee would like to thank the membership for being hugely supportive of the Club’s positioning during the pandemic. It’s by no means over yet but I hope this communication is seen in a positive light.
Finally, I must reiterate that the assessment of risk to yourselves as members, can only be taken by you and if you think you have been in contact with Covid please do the honourable thing and stay away until the risk to yourself and others has passed.
Kind regards and look forward to seeing you on the water.
Stay safe,
David (Commodore)